Freshman girls going to Homecoming dance portraits

Drippings Springs Homecoming 2023

There are 2 High schoolers (DSHS) in my house now! And they’re both having a lot of fun. Homecoming is always a busy week with lots of activities. And I knew that my middle daughter, Ellie would let me take her pictures with her friends. There are 6 of them and they got to know each other through theatre and Ellie’s filming project. So they aren’t particularly shy when it comes to me snapping away.

Freshman girls wearing blue dresses holding bouquets for the homecoming dance.

I found a great spot that was within walking distance of the restaurant they wanted to go to before the dance. I’ve previously had a portrait session here so I was familiar with it. However, things ran later than normal. And we were definitely rushed getting there. The other families had arrived and were chatting. The friends all gathered together and talked about their plans.

I quickly setup my 600w strobe and asked my youngest to hold it so it wouldn’t blow away. She was the best VALS (Voice-activated-light-stand). It only took a few snaps before I was ready for the high-schoolers to get started. I started with the big group first. I taught each of the how to stand and the girls how to hold their flowers. When I stepped back it was like looking into their futures 10ish years for their own weddings. I snapped a few. Had them look at each other and laugh. Snapped a few more. Then I broke them into all girls, all boys, and friend couples.

Dripping Springs Freshman Homecoming Dance Portraits
Dripping Springs Freshman Homecoming Dance Portraits

My son, Simon, came up with a couple friends to get pics too. I did their standard group poses and singles and then I asked them to make the “Blue Steel” face from Zoolander. It was so great! I will treasure these photos. I rarely get photos of him anymore because he’s so busy with work and school.

Dripping Springs High School Juniors Homecoming Portraits
Dripping Springs High School Juniors Homecoming Dance Portraits - Making Blue Steel Face

I loved creating these images for my kids and their friends and families. These years are going to fly by and I’m just holding on. I hope that we’ll have a bigger group next year!


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