Firework Photography: How to? Timelapse Fireworks over the Austin Skyline 2024 viewed from Auditorium Shores. Golden and blue

This year we took our kids to Auditorium Shores on Ladybird Lake to see the Fireworks over the Austin Skyline. So I thought I would share how I approach Firework Photography. I have been thinking about doing this since we moved back to Texas in 2021 and this was the year. Since this was our […]

Wedding Experience with Lydia Teague Photography

  Exclusively for LT Brides AHHH!  This is such a big deal y’all!  I have been working behind the scenes on this Wedding Guide.  It’s full of all the things that I have learned about Wedding Days that make them run smoothly and memorably.  It’s true, I do take my job as your Wedding Photographer […]